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Reasons > Borrowing > Choices |
Reasons >
Choices | Borrowing | Different | Faith | The Bible is true |
First | Independently | From Judaism | Xerox copying |
Choices |
stories were made up, sure. But they weren't
made up randomly, they were made
up using standard ancient ideas about Gods
and their powers and place in the universe. |
Here's where we are. The ancient texts quoted in POCM's Facts section show lots of Pagan-Christian similarities. In this Reasons part of POCM we're thinking about possible explanations of those similarities. Which are comprehensive and consistent? Which are not? Folks have been bickering about Pagan Christian borrowing for a long time. Arguments on each side have been offered, criticized, adjusted, recriticized, and readjusted. There is by now a list of standard explanations of the Pagan-Christian similarities. This page, Borrowing > Choices, gives you that list. Other pages in this Borrowing section discuss each choice in detail. |
rambling. And the Pagan-origins-ers' explanation number 1 must include the conclusion that the "facts" about Jesus were made up, made up to fit the pre-determined meaning of the myth. Interestingly explanation number eight, which as we've seen is not supported by the ancient evidence, is the non-apologists' explanation most often attacked and "refuted" by apologists. I think this is because number eight preserves facts-first cause and effect, so it is the non-Christian explanation whose basic mechanism apologists assume to be natural. |
Choices |